Link to the Joe Rogan Episode with Randall Carlson from which and excerpt was taken. (Commentary- Fair Use)
A quick re-cap of where we are to this point.
Human beings were created in a lab 250,000 years ago by beings from another planet that enters our system every 3600 years.
We were created for the purpose of slave labor in the gold mines that the off world beings had established in southern and middle Africa.
These beings were the race called the Annunaki, and in order to make humanity they used D N A from existing creatures, hominoids native to this earth, and D N A from their own species.
So we are partly native to this earth and partly native to another planet.
As an aside, perhaps this is the reason we have a certain restlessness and yet feel attached to this planet at the same time. And then there are those people who actually feel we do not belong here, and that we are a curse to this planet. In part, they may be right.
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