Author Archives: Johannes3600

Human Origins 14

Human Origins 14 In our last discussion we spoke of the art of living in the spaces.  It is time we should re-visit that idea and expand upon it. We have provided several installments of the Kybalion in order to … Continue reading

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Human Origins 13 Paradigms Part Two

In our previous installment we heard Jordan Peterson describe the process of how a monotheistic God is built from the consciousness of human beings. We also heard from Mark Stavish describing what an egregore is. The parallel is immediately obvious. … Continue reading

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Human Origins 12 Paradigms Part One

Up to this point we have pulled several threads together and perhaps it might be useful from the western perspective to bring these ideas into a simplified form. We have not yet shown the entire point and purpose of some … Continue reading

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Human Origins 11 The All

Here is a brief summary of the Hermetic idea of the All, as compared to the Christian Concept. The concept of God as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent has been a central pillar in various religious and philosophical traditions throughout history. … Continue reading

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Human Origins 10 Consciousness

Human Origins Part Ten Some time ago we made note of the fact that there is a discrepancy between the actual facts of human origins, and the truncated tale in the Bible. But we also made note that the monotheism … Continue reading

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Message Of Interest – Sons of God

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Human Origins Part Nine Planet Killer

We have covered a wide patch of ground in very little detail so far yet we have not answered the most important question. What is the point of all of this whole discussion. While there is still a massive amount … Continue reading

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Human Origins Part Eight

In our last discussion we mentioned the dichotomy that arose in our human consciousness.  That dichotomy is the good and evil paradigm that is, for all practical purposes, the norm within western cultures.  It comes from the Christian era, and … Continue reading

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Human Origins Part 7

Human Origins Part 7 – Monotheism This would be a good time once more to stop, and reflect on the scope of what we have learned. One of the most difficult parts of this entire narrative is its prosaic nature. … Continue reading

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Human Origins Part Six – Gods And Eternity

Perhaps at this point it might be useful to make some clarifications. When we speak of the race of beings known as the Annunaki we have to understand a little of their characteristics, beginning with their life-span. When we speak … Continue reading

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