Monthly Archives: February 2023

Human Origins Part 5

Link to the Joe Rogan Episode with Randall Carlson from which and excerpt was taken. (Commentary- Fair Use) A quick re-cap of where we are to this point. Human beings were created in a lab 250,000 years ago by beings … Continue reading

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Human Origins Part 4

Human Origins Part Four Who did this.  That is the question we are left with. We have seen that science has told us we human beings are 250,000 years on this planet. We look closer and find that our genome … Continue reading

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Human Origins Part Three – For the Record

Let us recap where we are to this point. We know that humanity appeared 250,000 years ago, by the study of human genetics. A closer look at the human genome shows a couple of striking phenomena. We see that our … Continue reading

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Human Origins – We Are GMO

As we return once more to ponder the big question of human origins, We find again that sense of freedom, Freedom from the narrow strictures of the warring factions of religion and science. So here we are. Quite literally. Previously … Continue reading

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Timeline Of the Beginning of the Human Race

Human Origins. As we sit in this place and hear those words it causes many thoughts to come to mind.  The topic is loaded with many scientific and religious connotations, And yet, because we are able to clear our thoughts … Continue reading

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A Peak Into The Future

Rapture There has been much said over the millennia about a return of the Gods, a return of the God, a return of the Son of God. It is a central article of faith for most of the Christian world … Continue reading

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